
Page 104

"If you will be cross," said she, "I must be making pretty

manners at you, Davie. I will be very obedient, as I should be

when every stitch upon all there is of me belongs to you. But you

will not be very cross either, because now I have not anyone else."

This struck me hard, and I made haste, in a kind of penitence, to

blot out all the good effect of my last speech. In this direction

progress was more easy, being down hill; she led me forward,

smiling; at the sight of her, in the brightness of the fire and

with her pretty becks and looks, my heart was altogether melted.

We made our meal with infinite mirth and tenderness; and the two

seemed to be commingled into one, so that our very laughter sounded

like a kindness.

In the midst of which I awoke to better recollections, made a lame

word of excuse, and set myself boorishly to my studies. It was a

substantial, instructive book that I had bought, by the late Dr.

Heineccius, in which I was to do a great deal reading these next

few days, and often very glad that I had no one to question me of

what I read. Methought she bit her lip at me a little, and that

cut me. Indeed it left her wholly solitary, the more as she was

very little of a reader, and had never a book. But what was I to


So the rest of the evening flowed by almost without speech.

I could have beat myself. I could not lie in my bed that night for

rage and repentance, but walked to and fro on my bare feet till I

was nearly perished, for the chimney was gone out and the frost

keen. The thought of her in the next room, the thought that she

might even hear me as I walked, the remembrance of my churlishness

and that I must continue to practise the same ungrateful course or

be dishonoured, put me beside my reason. I stood like a man

between Scylla and Charybdis: WHAT MUST SHE THINK OF ME? was my

one thought that softened me continually into weakness. WHAT IS TO

BECOME OF US? the other which steeled me again to resolution. This

was my first night of wakefulness and divided counsels, of which I

was now to pass many, pacing like a madman, sometimes weeping like

a childish boy, sometimes praying (I fain would hope) like a


But prayer is not very difficult, and the hitch comes in practice.

In her presence, and above all if I allowed any beginning of

familiarity, I found I had very little command of what should

follow. But to sit all day in the same room with her, and feign to

be engaged upon Heineccius, surpassed my strength. So that I fell

instead upon the expedient of absenting myself so much as I was

able; taking out classes and sitting there regularly, often with

small attention, the test of which I found the other day in a note-

book of that period, where I had left off to follow an edifying

lecture and actually scribbled in my book some very ill verses,

though the Latinity is rather better than I thought that I could

ever have compassed. The evil of this course was unhappily near as

great as its advantage. I had the less time of trial, but I

believe, while the time lasted, I was tried the more extremely.

For she being so much left to solitude, she came to greet my return

with an increasing fervour that came nigh to overmaster me. These

friendly offers I must barbarously cast back; and my rejection

sometimes wounded her so cruelly that I must unbend and seek to

make it up to her in kindness. So that our time passed in ups and

downs, tiffs and disappointments, upon the which I could almost say

(if it may be said with reverence) that I was crucified.

The base of my trouble was Catriona's extraordinary innocence, at

which I was not so much surprised as filled with pity and

admiration. She seemed to have no thought of our position, no

sense of my struggles; welcomed any mark of my weakness with

responsive joy; and when I was drove again to my retrenchments, did

not always dissemble her chagrin.

Robert Louis Stevenson
Classic Literature Library

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